Thank you for your interest in the Boys Only Associate Programme.
Associate classes are held for eighteen sessions a year, bi weekly, on a Sunday, and are designed especially for the male dancer.
Male dancers are very much in demand in today’s industry and can have a long and fruitful career with the right versatile training.
But even if you are not yet thinking of a career in the performing arts, training with other like minded boys will build confidence, strength and camaraderie. It is no secret that it is very easy for boys to be dissuaded to take up dance or any other performing arts because of the overwhelming girl/boy ratio in most classes.
We aim to provide the opportunity for them to train with other boys on a regular basis without giving up their existing training at their dance school.
Our very experienced and esteemed predominantly male faculty will enhance their existing training by challenging them to move out of their comfort zone, whilst strengthening their ballet and theatre dance techniques. Acting, vocal training as well as various workshops and master classes with specialist male teachers, are also included. Students will get the opportunity to perform in two showings a year at the end of each Term, as well as a showcase at the end of the year.
The programme is open to children age 8 and above. Places are offered by audition only. Classes will be split into Juniors/Mids/ Seniors where necessary.
With this being our first year the programme will be limited to 20 places.
This ensures the quality of training and that each student receives individual attention and career guidance throughout their training.
For more information and an audition pack please click the link below.
We are looking forward to meeting you all soon!